动词短语大集合「go的动词短语100个」 -pg电子试玩入口

2024-05-05 02:14:51




1, take up 占据,开始从事

2, bring in 采用

3, give away 暴露,分送

4, pick up 捡起,接载

5, call off 取消

6, cut off 切断

7, break off 结束

8, bring up 抚养,提起

9, hold up 支撑

10, carry out 执行

11, drink up 喝光

12, find out 查明

13, put on 穿上 上演

14, put off 推迟

15, put out 扑灭火

16, take off 起飞

17, tear up 把。。。撕碎

18, turn down 调低,拒绝

19, get in 收割

20, put up 建造,张贴

21, add up 加起来

22, turn away 拒绝

23, t

24, turn in 上交

25, account for 解释,说明

26, call for 需要,呼吁

27, care for 喜欢,关心

28, deal with 处理,对付

29, go about 着手做

30, come across 偶然发现


31, look for 寻找

32, run into 撞到,偶然遇见

33, break into 闯入

34, care about 在意

35, wait on 招待

36, get over 克服

37, laugh at 嘲笑

38, look after 照顾

39, look into 调查

40, stand for 代表

41, get along with 相处融洽

42, get away with 不受惩罚

43, get away from 远离

44, get through to 与。。。通话

45, keep away from 远离

46, make up to 补偿

47, look forward to 盼望

48, look out of 从。。。往外看

49, put up with 忍受

50, settle down to 开始专心于

51, hold on to 守住

52, come up with 想出

53, get down to 开始做

54, go in for 参加

55, live up to 不负

56, look down on 轻视

57, look out for 留心

58, make up for 弥补

59, run out of 用光

60, lose courage 丧失勇气

61, lose interest 失去兴趣

62, lose patience 失去耐心

63, make the bed 铺床

64, take a bow 鞠躬致谢

65, offer advice 提供建议


66, seek advice 征求意见

67, lose heart 灰心

68, lose weight 减肥

69, make sense 有道理

70, put a bet 下赌

71, save face 保全面子

72, take action 采取行动

73, take aim 瞄准

74, face charges 面临指控

75, take effect 开始起作用

76, take one's time 慢慢来

77, take care 当心

78, take exercise 锻炼

79, take place 发生

80, take advantage of 利用

81, take part in 参加

82, make sense of 理解

83, take hold of 握住

84, take care of 照顾

85, make way for 给。。。。让路

86, take command of 开始指挥

87, take delight in 以。。。为乐

88, take pride in 以。。。为自豪

89, take account of 考虑到

90, make friends with 成为。。。的朋友

91, make preparations for 为。。。做准备

92, make progress in 在。。。取得进步

93, make peace with 与。。。和解

94, make contributions to 对。。。作出贡献

95, bring 。。。under control 使。。。在掌控下

96, have 。。。in mind 心里已有。。。

97, keep/bear。。。in mind 把。。。记在心中

98, put。。。at ease 使。。。放松

99, put。。。into effect 实施计划

100, learn。。。by heart 记住。。。

101, learn/know…by heart记住。。。

102, take 。。。by surprise 出乎。。。。意料

103, take 。。。into account/consideration把。。。考虑进去

104, make use of 利用

105, make fun of 嘲弄

106, take charge of 掌管

107, come into power 执政

108, go to bed 上床睡觉

109, get in touch 取得联系

110, come into being 形成

111, burst into tears 突然大哭起来

112, come into use 开始被运用

113, come to the point 言归正传

114, stay/keep in touch保持联系

115, come into effect 生效

116, fall into ruin 衰落

117, put on weight 长胖


2024-05-05 发布
2024-05-05 发布
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2024-05-05 发布
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2024-05-05 发布
2024-05-05 发布
2024-05-05 发布
2024-05-05 发布
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2024-05-05 发布