清华大学演讲视频大全「清华大学演讲视频2023」 -pg电子试玩入口

2024-03-09 22:23:13





i study in xi 'an international studies university. there are 32 people in my class, two boys. i got as much attention at school then as i do now, because often when three or four boys were walking in groups, people called to protect them, which could be several classes of boys. we have big classes, and in a classroom like this one, the front is full of girls and the back is full of four or five boys. the teacher just looked, sat three today, and then began to call, he knew that someone must not come, the end of the call to start the class. even if the front of the girls to half, he did not call, the front of the girls two or three hundred, after the class is almost finished, but only four or five boys behind, as long as the people did not come to all, he will call.


i studied in the west, and after graduation, the teacher said that the job was difficult to find, i tried it, and the first company i went to was a domestic watch company. at that time, the treatment was very good, a starting salary of more than one hundred thousand a year, sent to europe, and the subsidy of foreign assignment, for a very poor young man at that time, it was a huge temptation, "anything can endure, except temptation", this is the oscar winner wald often said a sentence, very interesting.


then, i feel that it is too easy to get, to get so easy, this can be a good thing?


so find the second, is an automobile company, is also a domestic automobile company. this company offers a higher salary than the previous one because the starting salary is 200,000 yuan a year. i don't suppose he'd do anything illegal? it's so high. and the foreign subsidies, and the resumes of more than 1,000 people, and finally eliminated two, and i did it again. the counselor said that this year is the most difficult year in the history of employment, i said: "counselor, you don't lie to me."


i went to meet the third company, that is, new oriental, tortured people to death, regret, i was thinking about the two companies estimated that now is the business elite, r & d master. i went to interview new oriental, beginning at the end of october, first exam, then trial lecture, talk for 10 minutes each time, scold for an hour, the moment i go out, i feel i am guilty, i want to repent. because after the teacher scold, i feel that i am not right anywhere, i even breathe is wrong.


yu minhong teacher said frustration education, and later everyone felt that this is a pressure interview. from october of the previous year to february of the following year, but during that process, i had some thinking, i was thinking about what job i should do, the first two looked so attractive, so dazzling, so easy to get, i was so indifferent to people. then he kept abusing me, not telling me if i could pass, if i could get a job, and how much money i would pay after i got it. shut up, how can there be such an irresponsible company?


i went back to my hometown and told my father that one is a watch company, one is a car company, and there is new oriental. my father is like a performance artist, in the northern plains, after the autumn harvest, he is holding a hoe to level the ground, and i look at him sideways, and he is standing in the shadow of the sun, and he puts his hand on the hoe, like an artist and says, "son, what is the use of you selling expensive watches and expensive cars to rich people?" i was silent like you are silent now, and i was thinking, what happened to my dad. but after he had said that, he said, "man is the measure of all things, and work that affects man is work of value."


i was shocked, i said i understood, and then i really chose new oriental. at that time, i was also curious about why my father could speak so deeply, and later i learned that he read it from a book, which is said by ancient greek philosophers. "man is the measure of all things", so learn to learn from, many times other people's words will fully express your thoughts, read more, open your quadrant.


so, that sentence really determined a lot of my later values, and all my later decisions will be based around that sentence. what is more meaningful and valuable to the development of an infigureidual. the teacher should be kind and care about the growth of every child, not because he learns well and excessively favors him, and not because he learns poorly and discriminates against him. you can't take care of him because his family is good; you can't ignore him just because he has a bad family. you care about the development of each infigureidual, you do not know the thoughts you are spending now, one day this child goes to society, becomes an excellent teacher, doctor, police, lawyer, he will transform one specific industry after another, he will be the best strict teacher in the country.


you have been to peking university. your students are admitted to peking university every year. so, it influenced all of my subsequent decisions, and that was the conversation at graduation, and i'm proud of it to this day.




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